Presbyterian Church of West Salem Committees of the Church

Committees & Deacons


DeaconsKris Seeger*, Helen Harold, Diana Swim, Diana Engel, Karen Quackenbush, Lois Sandwick, Sara Oldenburg, Valerie Olson
* Chair


CommitteePeople on the Committee
Building and GroundsShawn McAlister*, Chris Winther, Diana Engel, Dave Bohnsack, Jean Pearson
Christian EducationJenni Loging*, Shayna Arndt, Kevin Arndt, Sara Oldenburg
FinanceCharles Engel*, Mike Siekert, Lill Twining
Membership and EvangelismVicki Bain*, Pam Twining, Sherry Bonsall, Nancy Olson, Richard Calvetti
Nominating CommitteeCharles Engel*, Jenni Loging, Kevin Arnt, Becky Auna, Casey Pfaff
PersonnelKelly Crusan*, Charles Engel, Becca Bohnsack
Stewardship and MissionBarb Hopkins*, Kristjan Sells, Becca Bohnsack, Patty Lee, Deb Quale
TechnologyKristjan Sells*, Kelly Crusan, Becca Bohnsack, Greg Meeuwsen
Worship and MusicKelly Crusan*, Nick Miller, Greg Meeuwsen, Terry Miller, Ad Hoc: Caroline Sells, Vicki Arndt, Julie Baker
* Committee Chair