From the Pastor’s Desk – October


Ok! School has started, Sunday School has Started, Adult Sunday School has started, Youth group has never reallystopped, so if you’re looking to learn more about the faith, you have plenty of opportunities to do so, and possibly more coming! Keep your ears open for announcements on a New Member class, and Confirmation classes as well.

This time of year in churches often gets an emphasis on education, but there is another emphasis as well… stewardship. Stewardship can be a bit of a complicated thing because we often use the same word to mean different things. For some, stewardship is collecting and keeping money, for others, Stewardship is taking the money you have and USING it… wisely.

For the record, I subscribe to that second school of thought.

I generally don’t like talking about money in church because it’s a very personal topic, it’s hard to make generalstatements. What is a very generous gift from one household might be irresponsible for another, or even impossible to a third. The fact of our society is right now most people have less money available than they are used to.

In light of that, the fact that the church has been in the black my whole time here (a fact I ascribe to the generosity of our congregation, not my own governance) is impressive and humbling. I’m also fairly certain that you gave us that money so that we could do ministry, not so that our financial worksheets could look super impressive.

So whatever form your financial giving has taken recently, thank you for it. Thank you for your support, your worshipful giving. And if you really DO want to know more about how money works in the church… meh, we can always have another Sunday School class, right?

Pastor Dan